Summer School
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Summer School – Turkey-EU at a Glance is an intensive 10-day and 40-hour summer school, to be implemented in 2022, 2023 and 2024, particularly designed for civil servants, experts and graduate students to grasp knowledge and keep up with the recent academic debates about the pressing issues in Turkey-EU relations.
The structure of the summer school program is organized in line with the pressing issues on the agendas of Turkey, EU and Turkey-EU relations in different years.
Different instructors, both from METU and other universities and research institutions contribute to the programme in line with their academic expertise.
For the call for participants, please follow the announcements at:
MEDIATE Summer School 2022
When: 22 August - 2 September 2022
Where: Online
How much: Free of charge
Who: Students of undergraduate (4th year), postgraduate and doctoral programmes as well as early researchers and junior policy professionals could apply
Credits: No credits, certificate of participation
Day 1: Past and Present issues in Turkey-EU Relations
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Alpan (Middle East Technical University)
Day 2: Compatibility of Turkish and EU Foreign Policies
by Assoc. Prof. Zerrin Torun (Middle East Technical University)
Day 3: Diplomacy and Developments in Turkey-EU Relations during the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Nilgün Arısan-Eralp (TEPAV-The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey)
Day 4: Turkey-EU Relations and Multilateralism
by Prof. Atila Eralp (IPC-Istanbul Policy Centre of Sabancı University)
Day 5: Turkey-EU Relations from a Legal Perspective
by Prof. Sanem Baykal (TOBB-ETU University)
Day 6: Turkey-EU Relations in a Changing Europe
by Assoc. Prof. Ebru Turhan (Turkish-German University)
Day 7: Turkey-EU Relations from an Administrative Perspective
by Assist. Prof. Asuman Göksel (Middle East Technical University)
Day 8: Europe of Peoples/Peoples of Europe
by Assoc. Prof. Özgehan Şenyuva (Middle East Technical University)
Day 9: Turkey-EU Relations and Migration
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Kale (Middle East Technical University)
Day 10: Turkey-EU Relations: What Purchase for the Future?
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Alpan (Middle East Technical University)
MEDIATE Summer School 2023
When: 21 August-1 September 2023
Where: Online
How much: Free of charge
Who: Students of undergraduate (4th year), postgraduate and doctoral programmes as well as early researchers and junior policy professionals could apply
Credits: No credits, certificate of participation
Day 1: Turkey-EU Relations in the wider neighbourhood
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Alpan (Middle East Technical University)
Day 2: Turkey-EU Relations and the EU foreign policy
by Prof. Münevver Cebeci (Marmara University)
Day 3: EU policy towards Syria and Iraq
by Prof. Özlem Tür (Middle East Technical University)
Day 4: EU policy toward Iran
by Assist. Prof. Gülriz Şen (TOBB-ETU)
Day 5: EU and Israel-Palestine Issue
by Prof. Meliha Altunışık (Middle East Technical University)
Day 6: EU and China in a global perspective
by Assoc. Prof. Ceren Ergenç Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Day 7: Turkey-Gulf Relations and its Repercussions for the EU
by Assist. Prof. Derya Göçer (Middle East Technical University)
Day 8: EU's migration perspective in the wider neighbourhood
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Kale (Middle East Technical University)
Day 9: EU's security perspective in the wider neighbourhood
by Assoc. Prof. Alper Kaliber (Altınbaş University)
Day 10: EU's foreign policy: What Purchase for the Future?
by Assoc. Prof. Zerrin Torun (Middle East Technical University)
MEDIATE Summer School 2024
When: 26 August-6 September 2024
Where: Online
How much: Free of charge
Who: Students of undergraduate (4th year), postgraduate and doctoral programmes as well as early researchers and junior policy professionals could apply.
Credits: No credits, certificate of participation
Language of Instruction: English
Day 1 (26 August 2024): "Future of Europe" debates and Türkiye's EU Accession
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Alpan (Middle East Technical University)
Day 2 (27 August 2024): Future of Migration in the EU
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Kale (Middle East Technical University)
Day 3 (28 August 2024): Future of Populism in the EU
by Prof. Selcen Öner (Bahçeşehir University)
Day 4 (29 August 2024): Future of Economics of European Integration
by Assist. Prof. Çınla Akdere (Middle East Technical University)
Day 5 (30 August 2024): Future of Türkiye-EU Relations in a Global Perspective
by Dr. Nilgün Öner (Middle East Technical University)
Day 6 (2 September 2024): Future of the EU in the Middle East
by Prof. Özlem Tür (Middle East Technical University)
Day 7 (3 September 2024): Future of Human Rights in Europe
by Assoc. Prof. Şerif Onur Bahçecik (Middle East Technical University)
Day 8 (4 September 2024): The Future of Türkiye-EU Relations from an Administrative Perspective
by Assoc. Prof. Asuman Göksel (Middle East Technical University)
Day 9 (5 September 2024): Turkey-EU Relations and Migration
by Assoc. Prof. Başak Kale (Middle East Technical University)
Day 10 (6 September 2024): Future of Türkiye-EU Relations and the Public Opinion
by Prof. Özgehan Şenyuva (Middle East Technical University)